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Tormentor's Random Fourth Edition Loot Generator

This tool randomizes Loot Type A-O, as well as Individual Loot Types U - Z.

TODO:  For the moment, this generator doesn't completely resolve a couple of artifacts.  You may see a stray line like "1d8 chemical power cells", etc.

Flamethrower does not resolve uses left (uses per canister), Tool Sets and ID Cards do not fully randomize the types, levels, bonuses, etc.  Stokes Coagulator, Millenial Blaster, Rover Rifle, Nerve Impulse Gun, and Neural bite also still have issues.

I also plan to one day add filters so you can restrict results to just 4th Edition main rulebook, allow Treasures of the Ancients too, modules, conversions from earlier versions, etc.  Anyway, to allow you to limit the results to sources you want to support as a GM. 

At the moment, you always get stuff from both the main rules plus Treasures of the Ancients.

Eventually, when I get a random encounter generator going, I'll hook it into this loot generator and let it pre-gen the loot and equipment the adversaries of the random encounter possess.

Choose the Loot Type

Group Loot Type:
Individual Loot Type:

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